For the TIME 2018 proceedings, we need the sources for the final version of your paper along with a signed author agreement form.
Since the proceedings are going to be published in the LIPIcs series maintained by Dagstuhl, we ask you to submit this data directly to the Dagstuhl Submission Server.
Please do the following by *July 14, 2018*.
(1) In the attached file “paper-numbers.pdf” look up your “New number”. For example, the paper with original submission number 1 gets the “New number” 19, etc. You will need this number in your main LaTeX file (\ArticleNo{<New number>}) and when submitting your data to the Dagstuhl submission server (called there FinalOrderID).
(2) Prepare the final camera-ready version of your paper formatted in accordance with the LIPIcs guidelines below and taking reviewer comments into account.
(3) Fill out the author agreement template, print it out, sign it and then scan the signed agreement as a PDF. (Please find the template for the author agreement in the attachment.)
(4) Sign in to the Dagstuhl submission server following the instructions below, then enter your “meta data” (author names, affiliations, abstract, etc.) and upload:
- a zip file of your paper’s source files (LaTeX etc.),
- the PDF of your paper,
- the scan of the signed author agreement.
Details on the action items (1), (2), (3), and (4) have been sent by email to all the authors.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact PC chairs.